

The Construct College of Creative Pedagogy is a digital learning community dedicated to offering free educational opportunities to students marginalized from traditional academia. Through online classes and workshops, the college encourages participants to develop skills and scholarship whose utility are born from sustainable material value rather than association with colonial and imperial systems. Construct is anti-bigotry in all its forms. We endeavor to create spaces that resist classism, misogyny, transphobia, white supremacy, and the social structures that support discrimination.

We believe that the classroom is a venue for developing one’s ability to learn and grow. Our curriculum centers cooperative group dynamics, critical thinking as a practice, and community-building skills to help students bolster their individual praxis. Our classes take place in various online forums and are often augmented by custom-designed digital intelligences and systems.

In 2020, we hosted a series of online writing workshops.

In 2021, we hosted our first digital residencies and awarded our inaugural fellowship.

In 2022, we will host another round of digital residences.